Administrative Articles June 10, 2023 24-Month Study Reports for Colorado River Operations Archive of monthly reports from the Bureau of Reclamation since 2007 August 01, 2020 Practice underconstruction June 11, 2020 Lake Powell Pipeline Project Draft Environmental Impact Study 90 day public comment period ends September 8, 2020 December 08, 2019 Part Two: Paradox Valley Salinity Control Unit DEIS & public comments Part Two: The administrative history of Paradox Salinity Control Program December 05, 2019 Reclamation announces scoping for Lake Powell Pipeline Project Comment period is only 30 days ends at Midnight on Friday, January 10, 2020 September 26, 2019 FERC grants two Preliminary Permits for two dams in gorge of Little Colorado River and two dams on rim's bench The applicant is Pumped Hydro Storage, LLC at Phoenix, AZ September 23, 2019 Part One: The Administrative Record for the Lake Powell Pipeline Project The story of a 60-year old project that just can't carry what it has lifted. August 18, 2019 Administrative Record of Long Term Experiental and Management Plan for Glen Canyon Dam Operations December 2005 to January 2016 August 06, 2019 Uinta Basin Railway Environmental Impact Statement Proposal to construct a railroad to transport Utah's fossil fuel reserves to markets June 26, 2019 Final Green and Colorado Comprehensive Management Plan Development and Mineral Leasing Plan The Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands is developing the first comprehensive management plans for sovereign land sections of the Colorado and Green Rivers October 22, 2018 The Water Rights of Central Utah Project, including Ultimate Phase Sorting out a very complicated system of water rights in Utah begins here August 22, 2018 Lake Powell Pipeline Permitting Process is Renewed Utah Water Resources Board submits request to FERC for reinstatement January 05, 2017 Moab Master Leasing Plan: A Document Archive Bureau of Land Management Record of Decision and Final Environmental Impact Statement June 21, 2016 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for New Federal Coal Leasing Program Interior plans to slightly reform the nation's coal leasing program January 25, 2016 Glen Canyon Dam Final EIS released after a six-year delay This experimental management plan maintains the status quo and fails to address the ecosystem dysfunction in Grand Canyon February 28, 2015 The 70-year Administrative Record of Impending Water Shortages and the Failure to Act Appropriately Backwards planning: managing the end of the pipe and not the beginning December 15, 2014 The Eastern Utah County Coalition for the Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Proposal by public servants using public funds for corporate aid November 24, 2013 Long Canyon Hydropower Pumpback Project Peaking hydropower generation project proposal in Grand County November 06, 2013 Green River Refinery Proposed for Emery County near Green River, Utah Project will refine unconventional fuels from the strip mining of rocks bearing kerogen and bitumen May 29, 2013 Green River Tusher Wash Diversion Dam Rehabilitation Project Natural Resources and Conservation Service initiates Environmental Impact Statement December 12, 2012 USBR's Demand and Supply Study for the Colorado River Basin of 2012 How to make the Colorado River more vulnerable than it already is March 19, 2012 GASCO's proposed watershed invasion of Desolation Canyon BLM poised to allow drilling for oil and gas adjacent to the corridor of the Green River August 19, 2009 Adaptive Management Program Documents for Operations at Glen Canyon Dam A project to provide a more complete and user-friendly archive of public documents for people concerned about impairment of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park |
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